Sunday School is an educational and learning institution for all ages.
I like to think our Sunday school is unique in some ways. Our atmosphere is conducive for teaching and learning. There is no big I and little u portrayed in our Sunday school.

While we know the seriousness of teaching God’s word, we sometimes employ humor and excitement in our teaching. When people are comfortable, learning and participation becomes easier. We use everyday examples to bring about spiritual understanding.

The Sunday school superintendent and teachers attend bible classes. We encourage daily prayer, studying, research and participation, along with the above the adults are encourage to fast. There we have homework assignments and discussion before each class.

The results are seen in the interaction with the superintendent, teachers and students.

We also have Sunrise Sunday School video tape weekly and can be seen on local cable TV and social media such as you tube and face book.

Sunday School – 9:30 am – 10:30 am
Wednesday Bible Study – 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
